Filmmaker Hansal Mehta has talked about his experience working with Kangana Ranaut. He recently got married tohis longtime partner Safeena Husain. The actor-director team’s previous film, “Simran,” failed to leave an impression on the audience. Hansal acknowledged in a recent interview that working with Kangana was a “massive mistake.”
Hansal acknowledged Kangana’s talent as an actor but added that their chemistry on set was lacking. When questioned about whether Kangana took control of the film’s editing, he responded that there wasn’t anything left to edit because they had only captured the scenes that she wanted.
Hansal claimed that although Kangana is a “talented” actor, he believes that she has been restricted by making movies about herself. You don’t have to make every character into what you want to believe you are, he continued. Hansal also discussed her song “She’s on Fire” from the movie “Dhaakad.” She is basically talking about herself, he claimed. He continued by saying that it is not his place to judge the decisions she makes. She is a well-known actress and a big star, but working with her was a “massive mistake,” he said in conclusion.
‘Simran,’ a film starring Sohum Shah, was released in 2017. Meanwhile, Hansal Mehta will be next working with Kartik Aryan in ‘ Captain India’