The Ashoka Pillar, which stands 6.5 meters tall, was constructed on the roof of new Parliament House. PM Narendra Modi gave it a formal inauguration on Monday. Speaker of the Lok Sabha Om Birla was among the Union ministers in attendance.
This bronze Ashoka Pillar is meant to be seen from a distance. On the occasion of the opening of Ashoka Pillar, PM Narendra Modi also spoke with the employees involved in the construction of the new Parliament House.
Harivansh Rai, the deputy chairman of the Rajya Sabha, and Hardeep Singh Puri, the minister for urban development for the Union, were also present as audience. PM Narendra Modi was spotted standing close to the Ashoka Pillar after it was dedicated and posing for photographs.
What does Ashoka Pillar signify?
The Pillar symbolizes the axis Mundi (the axis on which the world spins). This pillar represents the first physical evidence of the Buddhist faith. The inscriptions on Ashoka Pillar assert Ashoka’s faith in Buddhism and how he desired to spread the dharma throughout his kingdom and outside world.
The Ashoka Pillar consists of 4 lions. These four lions represent Power, courage, confidence and pride. These lions facing in all directions indicate the spread of dharma. It is the national emblem of India.
It is one of the finest examples of Mauryan Sculpture. The Chakra at its base appears on the national flag.