Japan is planning interplanetary travel: mentioned sending bullet train to moon and mars, see what the plan is…


If Japanese technology is to be believed, what appears to be a sci-fi movie could become a reality. In the not too distant future, trains will allow people to travel between worlds! It’s true what you read. According to The Weather Channel India, Japan has developed plans to attempt to send people to Mars and the Moon.

Japan intends to construct a glass habitat building that will mimic Earth’s gravity, atmosphere, and geography to give us a sense of familiarity.

This project, which could revolutionise space travel, is being worked on by researchers from Kyoto University in Japan in conjunction with Kajima Construction, according to the Weather Channel. The EurAsian Times claimed that the researchers made their announcement last week during a press briefing.

Hexatrack is the name of the interplanetary transportation technology developed by Japanese scientists. For long-distance travel, Hexatrack would maintain a gravity of 1G to mitigate the consequences of prolonged low gravity exposure.

The “Hexacapsules,” hexagonal-shaped capsules with a moving mechanism in the centre, will be another feature of the trains.

The Japanese researchers’ plan calls for a miniature spacecraft with a 15-meter radius to connect Earth and the Moon. It will take a capsule with a 30-meter radius to travel between the moon and Mars.

The capsule will now use the same electromagnetic technology as China’s and Germany’s Maglev trains.


The vast majority of the space transportation infrastructure ignores the value of terrestrial natural wealth. But scientists at Kyoto University intend to construct a home that will resemble the amenities on Earth.

The researchers want to create a constricted dwelling structure that resembles a champagne flute, complete with public transportation, green spaces, and water features. The building will be referred to as “The Glass.”

Since low gravity might influence reproduction, it is a serious issue. The university’s researchers work to allay this worry. The building will employ the centrifugal force produced by the rotation of the moon and Mars in orbit to generate artificial gravity that is capable of producing gravity that would be equivalent to Earth’s environment.

The Asahi Shimbun of Japan reports that it could take a century for the concept to become a reality. By 2050, though, scientists hope to construct a more straightforward copy of the Marsglass and Lunaglass.

Yosuke Yamashiki, director of Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies and SIC Manned Cosmology Research Center, claims that Japan’s plans for space living are essential to assuring that human space colonisation will actually take place in the future.

“These three pillars that we propose this time are core technologies that are not in the development plans of other countries and are indispensable for ensuring the realisation of human space colonisation in the future,” he said. Discussions over the previous few years led to the development of these three pillars.