Let’s hear some cheers for the bollywood Actor Ranveer Singh, Bollywood star Ranveer Kapoor has turned a year older today. On the special occasion, Ranveer shared a fun selfie, presumably taken at beach-side as he vacations with wife Deepika Padukon. The actor captioned the image, “Peak Me. #birthday #selfie Lavv Yewww.”
Right after Singh shared the selfie, his comment section was flooded with a number of compliments and good wishes. Colleagues from the industry like Vikrant Massey and Mouni Roy wished health and happiness for the star. Vikrant, who has shared screen space with Ranveer in Lootera, wrote, “Happiest Birthday my brother! Wish you the best of everything in life. Loads of love, prayers and duas for your happiness & peace!!!”
Apart from Vikrant and Mouni, other actors who wished the Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani actor included Arjun Kapoor, Anushka Sharma, Ajay Devgn and Sara Ali Khan. Arjun Kapoor, who’s collaborated with Ranveer on Gunday, shared a picture post for Ranveer that was a split of their characters from Padmavat and Ek Villain Returns, respectively. Arjun captioned it, “Bade parde ke ek bade villain ko janamdin bahut mubarak ho. Ek Villain ko doosre Villain ka salaam.
Meanwhile, others like Sara Ali Khan, Ajay Devgn and Anushka Sharma shared Instagram stories which featured Ranveer’s various images as they celebrated the actor’s birthday. Sara Ali Khan had written, “From our first selfie to our last, happy birthday to my ultimate favourite.” Sara also called Singh a style icon and superstar in her hashtags.
On the work front, Ranveer Singh is looking forward to the release of Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, where he will be seen sharing screen space with Alia bhatt once again. The Karan Johar directorial also stars Shabana Azmi, Jaya Bachchan and Dharmendra in pivotal roles.\
Once again Happy Birthday to the Fun Loving Actor.