Anurag Thakur, the Union Minister for Sports, stated that the anti-doping law intends to defend the rights and interests of all sportsperson as well as to make India “self-reliant.”

The National Anti-Doping Bill, which aims to provide a formal framework for the operation of the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) and the National Dope Testing Laboratory(NDTL), was approved by Lok Sabha on Wednesday. With a few official adjustments proposed by the Centre, the measure was approved by voice vote.
Anurag Thakur, the Union Minister for Sports, stated in a speech to the Lower House of Parliament that numerous countries, like the US and China, already have their anti-doping laws, and that “India will be among these countries” soon.
Responding to the debate on the bill, Thakur said that it aims at strengthening anti-doping activities in sports. “[It aims to give NADA powers of] investigation, levying sanctions for anti-doping rule violations, the disciplinary procedures to be adopted and the powers of inspection, sample collection and sharing and free flow of information,” he added.
Thakur said that the Center presently tests up to 6,000 samples annually, and when India hosts significant sporting events, that number will increase to 10,000 each month. So, he said, “We also need to increase the number of testing laboratories.”
The measure will protect athletes’ interests and rights and create “self-reliance” in India, the sports minister stated.
"अब भारत ऐसे गिनेचुने देशों में शामिल होगा जिसका एंटी-डोपिंग कानून भी है और टेस्टिंग लैब भी होगा। खिलाड़ियों के सैम्पल्स भेजने को लेकर दूसरे देशों पर निर्भरता कम होगी। यह विधेयक आत्मनिर्भर भारत को बल देगा’’
— Office of Mr. Anurag Thakur (@Anurag_Office) July 27, 2022
– श्री @ianuragthakur ,राष्ट्रीय डोपिंग रोधी विधेयक, 2021 #LokSabha
Some salient features of the bill include:
1. Build institutional capabilities in anti-doping and enable hosting of major sports events
2. Protect all sportspersons’ rights
3. Ensure time-bound justice to athletes
4. Boost cooperation among agencies in battling doping in sports
5. Reinforce India’s commitment to international obligations for clean sports
6. Independent mechanism for anti-doping adjudication
7. Provide legal sanctity to National Anti Doping Agency (NADA) & National Dope Testing Laboratory (NDTL)
8. Set up more dope testing laboratories
9. Create job opportunities both, directly and indirectly
10. Generate opportunities for academic research, science, and manufacturing about anti-doping